
Tuesday, 5 July 2016

The Attack on the World Trade Centre

On September 11th 2001, the World Trade Centre building in New York was attacked as part of a coordinated operation which resulted in 2996 deaths and more than 6000 injuries. It was blamed on the Islamic terrorist group Al Qaeda and became known as 911. 

In reality, this attack was organised by Israel with help from the USA and UK governments who were following orders from the Rothschild family. It was intended as an excuse to remove liberty from people worldwide in exchange for their improved security. In many respects, it was a similar operation to the Reichstag fire in Germany in 1933 where lies were told to manipulate the population into giving up liberty in exchange for security. 

The long term aim was to gain control of the remaining few nations in the world who didn't have a Rothschild controlled central bank. Less than a month later, US forces attacked Afghanistan which was one of only seven nations who, at the time, didn't have one.
One week before the 911 attack, the Zim Shipping Company moved out of offices within the World Trade Centre, breaking its lease and costing the company $50 000. No reason was ever given but Zim Shipping Company was half owned by the government of Israel.

On 5th September 2001, less than a week before the attack, the lead hijacker Mohamed Atta and several of his colleagues visited a casino boat owned by Ashkenazi Jew and pro-Israel lobbyist, Jack Abramoff. This visit has never been explained. No investigation was carried out into what they were doing. 

It was known that the FBI were investigating five Israeli moving firms who were suspected of being possible fronts for Israeli intelligence.

It had been discovered that the communication system used by the USA Drug Enforcement Agency had been been penetrated and suspicion fell on two companies called AMDOCS and COMVERSE INFOSYS who were both owned by Israelis. AMDOCS generated billing data for phone companies and were able to provide detailed logs of who talked to who while COMVERSE INFOSYS built the tapping equipment used by law enforcement agencies to eavesdrop on telephone calls. COMVERSE INFOSYS received half its research budget from the government of Israel and were suspected of building a deliberate back door into the system which could be exploited by Israeli intelligence. The information produced seemed to be finding its way back to drug smugglers and an FBI investigation led to the exposure of the largest foreign spy ring ever uncovered inside the USA. It was operated by Israel but only half of the suspected spies had been arrested before 911. 

Two hours before to the 911 attacks, ODIGO, who were an Israeli company with offices close to the World Trade Centre, received an advance warning via the internet. The manager of the New York Office provided the FBI with full details including the IP address of the message sender but the FBI didn't follow it up. 

As the 911 attacks took place, five Israelis were arrested near to the World Trade Centre for celebrating as it collapsed. They were supposedly employed by a moving company called Urban Moving Systems but had multiple passports and great deal of of cash in their possession. Two were later revealed to be Mossad agents and witness reports tracked them to Liberty Park at the time of the first impact. This suggests that they knew what was about to happen. The Israelis were interrogated and sent back to Israel while the owner of the moving firm abandoned his business and fled to Israel. 

These new stories were reported to the public on Fox News by Carl Cameron as part of a four part series but  subsequent pressure from Jewish groups forced the company to remove it from their website. 

For some reason, all of the evidence relating to the Israeli agents and their connections to 911 were classified as top secret by the USA government. 
It was later revealed that prior to the attack, millions of dollars of put options for both American Airlines and United Airlines (the owners of the hijacked planes) were taken out. The FBI promised to investigate but have never revealed their findings. It would obviously lead directly to Israel.
Following the attacks, anonymous letters containing anthrax were sent to various eminent figures. This was initially blamed on Al-Qaeda until it was realised that the anthrax used was a specific type made by a USA military laboratory. The FBI then discovered that the main suspect was an Ashkenazi Jew called Dr Philip Zack who had been reprimanded several times by his employers for making offensive remarks about Arabs. Dr Philip Zack was caught on CCTV entering the storage area where the anthrax was kept at Fort Detrick where he worked but the FBI made no further comment.
On October 3rd 2001, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, made the following statement to Shimon Peres. It was reported by Kol Yisrael radio:
"Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that....I want to tell you something very clear, don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it." 

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