The Bilderberg Group is a private conference, held annually and attended by approximately 140 important people including politicians, academics and representatives from industry, finance and the media. Most participants come from Europe but there are representatives from North America and the name derives from the first meeting, held at the Hotel de Bilderberg in the Netherlands on 29th May 1954. The initial conference lasted for three days and was intended to bring the continents of Europe and America closer together. Since then, private Bilderberg Group meetings have occurred every year on a strictly invitation only basis and participants insist that the group is a harmless debating society or merely a forum for leaders to “listen, reflect and gather insights” free from official responsibility.
Recent attendees include UK Conservative politicians George Osborne and Ken Clarke and UK Labour politicians Ed Balls and Peter Mandelson. They were joined by President of the European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso, Head of the IMF Christine Lagarde, former French Prime Minister Francois Fillon and two former US Treasury Secretaries Robert Rubin and Timothy Geithner. Numerous other serving Prime Ministers, Foreign Ministers and Finance Ministers from influential European countries were in attendance and they were joined by Chairmen and CEOs from some of the world’s biggest businesses including Deutsche Bank, Barclays, Amazon, Google, Shell, HSBC, Lazard, Prudential and Alcoa. Billionaire founder of PayPal, Peter Thiel was also a recent attendee and current Bildeberg Chairman, Henri de Castries is also the head of insurance giant AXA. Both BP and Goldman Sachs have played a part in fund raising and organisation for recent events.
Current UK Prime Minister David Cameron, who had previously pledged to lead Britain’s most transparent government, attended a Bilderberg Group meeting in Watford during June 2013. He described it as "nothing at all to worry about" but former politicians who have previously attended Bilderberg Group meetings have described them as the most important events they ever attended. They particularly enjoyed the freedom to speak off the record and the opportunity to take part in decisive discussions about the future of Europe.
Recent attendees include UK Conservative politicians George Osborne and Ken Clarke and UK Labour politicians Ed Balls and Peter Mandelson. They were joined by President of the European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso, Head of the IMF Christine Lagarde, former French Prime Minister Francois Fillon and two former US Treasury Secretaries Robert Rubin and Timothy Geithner. Numerous other serving Prime Ministers, Foreign Ministers and Finance Ministers from influential European countries were in attendance and they were joined by Chairmen and CEOs from some of the world’s biggest businesses including Deutsche Bank, Barclays, Amazon, Google, Shell, HSBC, Lazard, Prudential and Alcoa. Billionaire founder of PayPal, Peter Thiel was also a recent attendee and current Bildeberg Chairman, Henri de Castries is also the head of insurance giant AXA. Both BP and Goldman Sachs have played a part in fund raising and organisation for recent events.
Current UK Prime Minister David Cameron, who had previously pledged to lead Britain’s most transparent government, attended a Bilderberg Group meeting in Watford during June 2013. He described it as "nothing at all to worry about" but former politicians who have previously attended Bilderberg Group meetings have described them as the most important events they ever attended. They particularly enjoyed the freedom to speak off the record and the opportunity to take part in decisive discussions about the future of Europe.
Is this realy true? Is the Bildeberg Group really a harmless debating society? Is it connected to the infamous Illuminati which was another similar organisation? Like the Bilderberg Group, the Illuminati involved a world wide network of powerful men in influential positions and rumours frequently circulated about their abiility to control world events. The Illuminati have a long established plan to install a world wide government or New World Order. Are the Bilderberg Group involved in this?
Another Bilderberg Group meeting took place during May 2009 in Vouliagmeni, Greece. Alice Rivlin represented the Brookings Institution and she smiled and nodded when asked if the agenda items included “world government, a world without borders and an American Union.”
This coincides with the Bilderberg/Illuminati plan but they have been repeatedly blocked by the reluctance of certain countries (notably the UK) to abandon nationalism and their past. The USA continues with its plans to expand the North American Free Trade Agreement throughout the American continent and beyond before it eventually establishes an American Union similar to the European Union. Is this part of the hidden agenda? Will the American Union and European Union eventually merge?
Meanwhile, the Italian Prime Minister, Matteo Renzi has publicly stated that Italy will push for a "United States of Europe" during its six-month EU presidency. Is he a Bilderberg/Illuminati puppet? Has this been the plan all the time? Is this part of the plan to establish a New World Order? The Italians (and other countries) have massive debts and would be very easy to manipulate
Maybe the ultimate aim is a world government under the control of the UN.
Meanwhile, the Italian Prime Minister, Matteo Renzi has publicly stated that Italy will push for a "United States of Europe" during its six-month EU presidency. Is he a Bilderberg/Illuminati puppet? Has this been the plan all the time? Is this part of the plan to establish a New World Order? The Italians (and other countries) have massive debts and would be very easy to manipulate
Maybe the ultimate aim is a world government under the control of the UN.
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