Woodrow Wilson and Blackmail
On 4th March 1913, Woodrow Wilson was duly elected as the 28th President of the USA. Shortly after his inauguration, he was visited at the White House by Ashkenazi Jew, Samuel Untermyer, of law firm, Guggenheim, Untermyer, and Marshall. Untermyer attempted to blackmail Wilson for $40 000 in relation to an affair he had with a colleague's wife while working as a professor at Princeton University. President Wilson did not have the money to pay so Untermyer agreed to pay $40 000 to the woman himself, on the condition that Wilson promised to appoint Untemyer's nominee to the Supreme Court when the first vacancy arose. President Wilson agreed to this.
On June 4th 1916, Ashkenazi Jew Louis Dembitz Brandeis was appointed by President Wilson to the Supreme Court as promised three years earlier. Justice Brandeis was also the elected leader of the Executive Committee for Zionist Affairs.
The same year, President Wilson ran a re-election campaign under the slogan
"Re-Elect The Man Who Will Keep Your Sons Out Of The War."
On December 12th 1916, Germany and her allies offered peace terms and an end to the terrible carnage seemed to be in sight.
Unfortunately, this did not suit the Rothchild agenda because they had previously promised the British that the USA would join the war on their side in return for a British promise to help them set up a Jewish state in Palestine. Their Rothchild propaganda machine went into overdrive and this led to President Wilson reneging on his promise to the electorate by taking the USA into World War 1 on April 6th 1917. Of course, he was working under instruction from American Zionist leader and Supreme Court Justice, Louis Dembitz Brande.
USA resources and manpower were crucial as Germany and her allies were finally defeated after four years of bloody conflict.
The Versailles peace conference was held to decide the reparations to be paid by the Germans to the victors. A delegation of 117 Zionists headed up by Ashkenazi Jew, Bernard Baruch, brought up the subject that Palestine had been promised to them. The Germans realised why the USA had turned against them.
The Germans, naturally, felt they had been betrayed. At the time, the Rothschilds made the deal with Britain to bring the USA into the war in exchange for Palestine, Germany was the most friendly country towards Jews in the world. In fact, the German Emancipation Edict of 1822 guaranteed Jews in Germany all the civil rights enjoyed by Germans. Also, Germany was the only country in Europe which did not place restrictions on Jews, even giving them refuge when they were forced to flee from Russia after their first attempted Communist coup failed in 1905.
Nevertheless, the Rothschilds held up their side of the bargain and expected to be repaid. Even though the blood of many innocent millions had to be spilled as a result. Palestine was confirmed as a Jewish homeland, and while the handover took place it was to remain under the control of Britain. This wasn't seen as a problem because the Rothschilds controlled Britain too.
At the time, less than one percent of the population of Palestine was Jewish.
Interestingly, the host of the Versailles peace conference was Baron Edmond de Rothschild.
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