
Thursday, 30 June 2016

The Rise of the Bolsheviks

The Russian royal family has a long history of opposing Rothchild interference in state matters. In 1815, Tsar Alexander I blocked their world government plans at the Congress of Vienna and Nathan Mayer Rothchild promised to take revenge as a result. Matters were made worse when Tsar Alexander II sided with Abraham Lincoln against them in 1864 during the US Civil War.

The Rothchilds gathered groups of Jewish spies and sent them to Russia to organise a revolution which was supposed to be in favour of the working man but in reality was a takeover by the Rothchilds. These Jewish spies were, in age old Ashkenazi tradition, given Russian names e.g. Bronstein became Trotsky and were sent to areas throughout Russia to incite riots and lead rebellion.

In 1905, the Rothchilds were behind a communist coup attempted by a group of Zionist Jews led by Georgi Apollonovich Gapon. They attempted to overthrow the Tsar but failed and were forced to flee Russia before being given refuge in Germany. 

Incitement continued and opportunities increased during World War 1 when the Rothchilds, as usual, lent money to both sides.

The Russian Revolution took place in 1917 when the Rothchild backed Bosheviks overthrew the government and forced the Tsar to abdicate. The Rothchilds ordered the execution of Tsar Nicholas II and his entire family even though he had already abdicated and was not a threat. They finally gained control of this huge country. It was important for them to slaughter the entire royal family including woman and children to keep the promise made by Nathan Mayer Rothchild. They wanted to demonstrate to the entire world what happens to anybody who attempts to cross the Rothchilds. 
On 29th March 1919, The Times of London reports:

"One of the curious features of the Bolshevist movement is the high percentage of non Russian elements among the leaders. Of the twenty or thirty commissaries or leaders who provide the central machinery of the Bolshevist movement, not less then 75% were Jews."

Many years later, the Jewish Post International Edition (week ending 24th January 1991) confirmed that Vladimir Lenin was Jewish too. Lenin was on record as saying:

"The establishment of a central bank is 90% of communizing a nation"

The Jewish, Rothchild funded Bolsheviks went on to slaughter sixty million Christians and non-Jews in Soviet controlled territory.  

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn in his book "Gulag Archipelago" confirmed that Jews created and administered the organised Soviet concentration camp system which killed tens of millions of Christians and non-Jews. He even names the administrators of the greatest killing machine ever invented. They were Aron Solts, Yakov Rappoport, Lazar Kogan, Matvei Berman, Genrikh Yagoda and Naftaly Frenkel and all six were Zionist Jews. In 1970, Solzhenitsyn was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.

Under Ashkenazi law, Winston Churchill was Jewish because he was born of a Jewish mother, Jenny Jerome. On 8th February 1920, he wrote an article in the Illustrated Sunday Herald and it included:

"From the days of the Illuminati leader Weishaupt, to those of Karl Marx, to those of Trotsky, this worldwide conspiracy has been steadily growing. And now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and become undisputed masters of that enormous empire."

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Woodrow Wilson and Blackmail

On 4th March 1913, Woodrow Wilson was duly elected as the 28th President of the USA. Shortly after his inauguration, he was visited at the White House by Ashkenazi Jew, Samuel Untermyer, of law firm, Guggenheim, Untermyer, and Marshall. Untermyer attempted to blackmail Wilson for $40 000 in relation to an affair he had with a colleague's wife while working as a professor at Princeton University. President Wilson did not have the money to pay so Untermyer agreed to pay $40 000 to the woman himself, on the condition that Wilson promised to appoint Untemyer's nominee to the Supreme Court when the first vacancy arose. President Wilson agreed to this.
On June 4th 1916, Ashkenazi Jew Louis Dembitz Brandeis was appointed by President Wilson to the Supreme Court as promised three years earlier. Justice Brandeis was also the elected leader of the Executive Committee for Zionist Affairs.

The same year, President Wilson ran a re-election campaign under the slogan 

"Re-Elect The Man Who Will Keep Your Sons Out Of The War."

On December 12th 1916, Germany and her allies offered peace terms and an end to the terrible carnage seemed to be in sight. 

Unfortunately, this did not suit the Rothchild agenda because they had previously promised the British that the USA would join the war on their side in return for a British promise to help them set up a Jewish state in Palestine. Their Rothchild propaganda machine went into overdrive and this led to President Wilson reneging on his promise to the electorate by taking the USA into World War 1 on April 6th 1917. Of course, he was working under instruction from American Zionist leader and Supreme Court Justice, Louis Dembitz Brande. 

USA resources and manpower were crucial as Germany and her allies were finally defeated after four years of bloody conflict.

The Versailles peace conference was held to decide the reparations to be paid by the Germans to the victors. A delegation of 117 Zionists headed up by Ashkenazi Jew, Bernard Baruch, brought up the subject that Palestine had been promised to them. The Germans realised why the USA had turned against them.
The Germans, naturally, felt they had been betrayed. At the time, the Rothschilds made the deal with Britain to bring the USA into the war in exchange for Palestine, Germany was the most friendly country towards Jews in the world. In fact, the German Emancipation Edict of 1822 guaranteed Jews in Germany all the civil rights enjoyed by Germans. Also, Germany was the only country in Europe which did not place restrictions on Jews, even giving them refuge when they were forced to flee from Russia after their first attempted Communist coup failed in 1905.
Nevertheless, the Rothschilds held up their side of the bargain and expected to be repaid. Even though the blood of many innocent millions had to be spilled as a result. Palestine was confirmed as a Jewish homeland, and while the handover took place it was to remain under the control of Britain. This wasn't seen as a problem because the Rothschilds controlled Britain too. 

At the time, less than one percent of the population of Palestine was Jewish. 

Interestingly, the host of the Versailles peace conference was Baron Edmond de Rothschild.

Monday, 20 June 2016

The Rise of the Nazis

Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in January 1933 and drove Jews, many of whom were Communist, out of German government positions. As a result, in July 1933, the Jews held a World Conference in Amsterdam and demanded the reinstatement of every Jew to his former position. Hitler refused and Samuel Untermyer (an Ashkenazi Jew who had previously blackmailed President Wilson and was now the head of the American delegation and President of the Conference) returned to the USA where he made a radio speech. It included the following statements.

"...the Jews are the aristocrats of the world...Our campaign is...the economic boycott against all German goods, shipping and services...What we are to prosecute a purely defensive economic boycott that will undermine the Hitler regime and bring the German people to their senses by destroying their export trade on which their very existence depends... ...Each of you, Jew and Gentile alike...must refuse to deal with any merchant or shopkeeper who sells any German-made goods or who patronises German ships or shipping." 

 At the time, two thirds of Germany's food supply had to be imported, and this could only be paid for with the proceeds from exports. If Germany could not export then two thirds of her population would starve. Jews throughout America, protested outside and damaged stores where they found products marked "Made in Germany." Many stores were forced to dump German products or face bankruptcy. 

The Germans, who up to this point had demonstrated no violence towards any Jews, began boycotting Jewish stores in the same way and anti-semitism began to increase.

Samuel Landman (at the time, secretary to the World Zionist Organisation), in his 1936 book, "Great Britain, The Jews, and Palestine" describes the entry of the USA into World War 1,

"The fact that it was Jewish help that brought USA into the War on the side of the Allies has rankled ever since in German ­ especially Nazi ­ minds, and has contributed in no small measure to the prominence which anti-Semitism occupies in the Nazi programme."

On 7th November 1938, a Jew called Herschel Grynszpan, assassinated Ernst vom Rath who was a minor official at the German Embassy in Paris. German hostility towards German Jews began to turn violent.

Meanwhile, Swiss banking laws had been reformed to make it an offence resulting in imprisonment if any bank employee violated bank secrecy. This was in preparation for the Rothschild engineered World War 2 where, as usual they intended to fund both sides.

IBM (financed by the Rothchilds) began to supply punch card machines to the Nazis to help them manage the identification of Jews. This led to their social expulsion, the confiscation of their property and eventually their attempted extermination.

I.G. Farben (controlled by the Rothchilds) were the leading chemical production company in the world and largest German producer of steel. They began to dramatically increase production and the results were almost exclusively used to arm Germany for World War 2. This company would go on to use Jews and other disaffected peoples as slave labour in concentration camps. I.G. Farben also created the lethal Zyklon B gas that was used to exterminate the Jews.

World War 2 began on 1st September 1939 when Germany invaded Poland. The German leadership were Christians who understood that Soviet Russia was led by Rothschild funded Communists and they feared that, as the Soviet Union grew in strength, these Jewish Communists intended to invade and wipe all Christians off the map.

Thursday, 16 June 2016

Was Hitler a Jew?

Hansjurgen Koehler in his book "Inside The Gestapo" published in 1940 describes Adolph Hitler's grandmother, Maria Anna Schicklgruber:
"A little servant girl came to Vienna and became a domestic servant at the Rothschild mansion and Hitler's unknown grandfather must be probably looked for in this magnificent house." 

This is supported by Walter Langer in his book, "The Mind Of Hitler" who states: 

"Adolf's father, Alois Hitler, was the illegitimate son of Maria Anna Schicklgruber. Maria Anna Schicklgruber was living in Vienna at the time she conceived. At that time she was employed as a servant in the home of Baron Rothschild. As soon as the family discovered her pregnancy she was sent back home where Alois was born." 

It is barely credible that the infamous Adolph Hitler had Jewish blood and was part of the extended Rothschild family, but then again, when you consider the benefits they gained from World War 2, both financially and politically, a Rothschild connection may not appear quite so ridiculous. 

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Expert Warns Of Venezuela-style Hyperinflation: “This Will Not End Well For The United States”

Mac Slavo
May 24th, 2016

Though completely outside the realm of possibility for an entertained, well fed, and oblivious American public dependent on ever-growing debt to make ends meet, there are serious economic, financial and monetary headwinds set to flip the entire system upside down. If there’s one thing we can learn from the collapse of monetary systems in Zimbabwe, Argentina, and most recently Venezuela, it’s that printing money only works until you lose the confidence of your creditors and the public at large, at which point the whole thing detonates with such velocity and speed that millions are left scrounging for even the most basic of necessities.
According to K92 Mining President Bryan Slusarchuk, this is exactly the kind of scenario Americans should be concerned with because central banks and governments around the world have not only printed obscene sums of money to keep the system afloat, but used even more worthless foreign currency reserves to further prop up their own. As Slusarchuk notes, there is absolutely nothing of real value backing any of it, which spells disaster for Western nations:

Western nations have central bankers colluding together trying to prop up eachother’s reserve with equally worthless foreign currency reserves that are fiat-based paper. Unfortunately, I just don’t think this ends well for Western countries like the United States and Canada who have lost sight of this…

In his latest interview with SGT Report, Slusarchuk explains why a hyperinflation scenario akin to what we are witnessing in Venezuela is a distinct possibility and what those who will take the brunt of the pain – the average people on the ground – can do to prepare themselves for this inevitable future reality. As Slusarchuk warns, most people won’t figure out what has happened until it’s already too late:

…There are lessons [we can learn from Venezuela]… It appears to be spiraling out of control… and this all results from the fact that you had bankers that didn’t understand how to ensure there is a real worth to their fiat currencythis lesson is a lesson we’re going to figure out once it’s too late.
Some 65% of Americans receive more in federal transfer income than they pay in total taxes. There are estimates that this can grow to 80% in the not-too-distant future. So when you have a situation like this that is clearly not sustainable and you have central banker collusion supporting one another’s worthless paper currencies with more worthless paper currency reserves… it just doesn’t end well.

Slusarchuk suggests hard assets as insurance against this eventuality. As we’ve seen in Venezuela, core necessities for survival like bread and meat, as well as supplies we take for granted like toilet paper, are the first to go because a country whose currency has collapsed and lost the faith of its creditors can no longer trade with foreign companies to import these goods, nor can they pay domestic workers to produce them. As the President and Director of a gold mining company, he does, of course, recommend precious metals as a currency of last resort to counter the effects of hyperinflating fiat dollars.
It’s a strategy, notes Slusarchuk, that has protected and preserved wealth for over 5,000 years. And it’s one that’s being aggressively implemented right now by China, who unlike their Western counterparts that have sold their precious metal reserves, are acquiring massive stores of gold.
A similar strategy, he argues, should be a part of everyone’s collapse-proof portfolio:

I think it’s so important for investors to consider, not just for the upside, but for protection… for safety… gold and silver as part of their investment strategy.
And when things don’t end well… It’s going to be very worthwhile to have that real store of value.
I think people in Venezuela are seeing that today… and you’ve seen that in other countries like Argentina.
History continues to repeat itself.
But, central bankers  want to assure us that everything is OK… that gold no longer has real value.
… as groups and governments in places like China continue to gobble up everything they can get their hands on… you’ve really got to question what side of the trade you want to be on. 

Venezuela is a great example of the hyperinflationary currency collapse that all countries potentially face when they don’t have true holdings as a store of value that act as a guarantee to redeem promises to creditors.

Contrarian economists like John Williams have repeatedly warned of hyperinflation in the United States. That some 60% of Americans are now dependent on government subsidies, including nearly 50 million on food stamps, is a critical warning sign. So, too, is the fact that incomes are dropping and meaningful jobs are drying up.

Media pundits and government shills, just as they have done in Venezuela, continue their propaganda campaigns with many pointing to stock markets as a measure of health and marginalizing those who warn of impending collapse as “peddling fiction.”
But to those paying attention, even that is a massive warning sign of a system so heavily injected with artificial stimulus that when the central bank’s dope finally runs out there will, quite literally, be a life threatening crash.
Those without hard assets to get them through the aftermath could well find themselves with no food, no shelter, and no prospects for recovery.

Friday, 3 June 2016

Another Real Estate Crash Is Coming: Legendary Market Timer Unloads His Positions: “They’ve Sold Deferred Reality For So Long…”

First published  28/5/16

By Mac Slavo

If you haven’t heard yet, median home prices in the United States are on a tear having reached all-time highs in April. To boot, rental prices have gone insane, showing a year-over-yearinflationary increase of 8%. On top of that, stock markets are rocketing back to their own all time highs based on the premise that the U.S. economy is seeing healthy growth. By all official accounts, it appears that we’re back on track.
But appearances can be deceiving and highly acclaimed investment guru Sam Zell isn’t buying the hype. In fact, he’s taking this opportunity to sell… in a very big way.

And he has been selling. Back in 2007, he once again proved his sense of market timing. As the commercial property bubble was already teetering, he sold Equity Office Properties Trust to Blackstone for $23 billion, not including $16 billion in debt.Then prices crashed, and commercial property defaults hit the banks. As the dust was settling at the end of the Great Recession, he went on a shopping spree.
Now he’s selling again, unloading multifamily properties at peak prices on a massive scale just when a multi-year construction boom is flooding the marketwith new supply.

So when Sam Zell speaks, our ears perk up.
Read the full report at Wolf Street

In a recent interview with CNBC Zell noted that zero interest rate policies are removing the risk of borrowing, making it easy for big banks and finance companies to keep pushing supply onto the market.
Easy credit. What could possibly go wrong?

A lot, according to Zell:

“Overall we’ve come off this extraordinary period of liquidity and this extraordinary period of low interest rates… I think we’re unlikely to see a repeat of that going forward, and I think we’re going to see more supply in what had been pretty tight markets.”

“In the most simplistic terminology, I would ask you the question, if something is free, is it valued? Is it appropriately risked?”
“We have distorted markets. Maybe we have bubbles.”

“The problem is I think the Fed should have raised interest rates two years ago, and therefore today would be able to make a much more rational decision as to what to do.The problem is that they’ve so deferred reality for so long that I think they have a serious credibility problem if they don’t raise rates.”

Everything seems to be booming again – easy money, easy lending, rising prices, and a bread and circused populous.
Never mind the nearly 50 million Americans on food stamps, the six million millennials living in their parents’ basements, or the massive spike in business debt delinquencies.
Should Americans be preparing for another collapse?
Probably not, because despite all of the market distortions, there is really no need for concern. This time it really is different.

Thursday, 2 June 2016

FEMA Preps For the Big One: “Involves A Magnitude 9.0 Earthquake Along Cascadia Subduction Zone”

This article was written by Michael Snyder and originally published at his End of the American Dream site.

June 7: FEMA Will Hold A Drill To Prepare For A 9.0 Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake And Tsunami

by Michael Snyder

Cascadia Subduction Zone - FEMA
Starting on June 7th, FEMA will be conducting a large scale drill that has been named “Cascadia Rising” that will simulate the effects of a magnitude 9.0 earthquake along the Cascadia Subduction Zone and an accompanying west coast tsunami dozens of feet tall. According to the official flyer for the event, more than “50 counties, plus major cities, tribal nations, state and federal agencies, private sector businesses, and non-governmental organizations across three states – Washington, Oregon, and Idaho – will be participating”.
In addition to “Cascadia Rising”, U.S. Northern Command will be holding five other exercises simultaneously.  According to the final draft of the Cascadia Rising drill plan, those five exercises are entitled “Ardent Sentry 2016″, “Vigilant Guard”, “Special Focus Exercise”, “Turbo Challenge” and “Joint Logistics Over-The-Shore”.  The primary scenario that of all of these participants will be focusing on will be one that involves a magnitude 9.0 earthquake along the Cascadia Subduction Zone followed by a giant tsunami that could displace up to a million people from northern California to southern Canada.
We have never seen such a disaster before in all of U.S. history.
Do they know something that the rest of us do not?
It is funny that they are preparing to deal with the effects of a magnitude 9.0 earthquake along the Cascadia Subduction Zone, because that is precisely the size of earthquake that I warned about in an article back in March.
The San Andreas Fault in southern California gets more headlines, but the Cascadia Subduction Zone is a much larger threat by far.  This fault zone is where the Juan de Fuca plate meets the North American plate, and it stretches approximately 700 miles from northern Vancouver Island all the way down to northern California.
If a magnitude 9.0 earthquake were to strike, the immense shaking and subsequent tsunami would cause damage on a scale that is hard to even imagine right now.  Perhaps this is why FEMA feels such a need to get prepared for this type of disaster, because the experts assure us that it is most definitely coming someday.  The following comes from the official website of the “Cascadia Rising” exercise…
A 9.0 magnitude earthquake along the Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ) and the resulting tsunami is the most complex disaster scenario that emergency management and public safety officials in the Pacific Northwest could face. Cascadia Rising is an exercise to address that disaster.
June 7-10, 2016 Emergency Operations and Coordination Centers (EOC/ECCs) at all levels of government and the private sector will activate to conduct a simulated field response operation within their jurisdictions and with neighboring communities, state EOCs, FEMA, and major military commands.
If you don’t think that the scenario that they are studying is realistic, perhaps you should consider the fact that the largest earthquake in the history of the continental United States stuck along the Cascadia Subduction Zone back in 1700.  The following comes from CNN
In fact, “the Cascadia” already has made history, causing the largest earthquake in the continental United States on January 26, 1700. That’s when the Cascadia unleashed one of the world’s biggest quakes, causing a tsunami so big that it rampaged across the Pacific and damaged coastal villages in Japan.
Yes, we all remember the big Hollywood blockbuster about the San Andreas fault.  But if they wanted to be more realistic, they should have made the movie about the Cascadia Subduction Zone.  According to a professor of geophysics at Oregon State University, the Cascadia Subduction Zone has the potential to create an earthquake “almost 30 times more energetic”than anything the San Andreas Fault can produce…
Everyone knows the Cascadia’s cousin in California: the San Andreas Fault. It gets all the scary glamor, with even a movie this year, “San Andreas,” dramatizing an apocalypse in the western U.S.
Truth is, the San Andreas is a lightweight compared with the Cascadia.
The Cascadia can deliver a quake that’s many times stronger — plus a tsunami.
“Cascadia can make an earthquake almost 30 times more energetic than the San Andreas to start with, and then it generates a tsunami at the same time, which the side-by-side motion of the San Andreas can’t do,” said Chris Goldfinger, a professor of geophysics at Oregon State University.
And the kind of tsunami that would be created by such a massive quake along the Cascadia Subduction Zone would absolutely dwarf the massive tsunami that struck Japan back in 2011.  In fact, an article in the New Yorker quoted the head of the FEMA division that oversees Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Alaska as saying that “everything west of Interstate 5 will be toast”…
If the entire zone gives way at once, an event that seismologists call a full-margin rupture, the magnitude will be somewhere between 8.7 and 9.2. That’s the very big one.
…By the time the shaking has ceased and the tsunami has receded, the region will be unrecognizable. Kenneth Murphy, who directs FEMA’s Region X, the division responsible for Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Alaska, says, “Our operating assumption is that everything west of Interstate 5 will be toast.”
In the Pacific Northwest, everything west of Interstate 5 covers some hundred and forty thousand square miles, including Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, Eugene, Salem (the capital city of Oregon), Olympia (the capital of Washington), and some seven million people.
We live at a time when the crust of our planet is becoming increasingly unstable.  Based on my research, I have come to the conclusion that we will soon see major earth changes on a scale that most of us would never even dare to imagine.
All over the world the Ring of Fire is roaring to life, and the Cascadia Subduction Zone lies directly along the Ring of Fire.  Just last week, I wrote about the alarming earthquake swarms that we have seen directly under Mt. Rainier, Mt. Hood and Mt. St. Helens, and now we have learned that FEMA is about to hold a major drill that is going to simulate a magnitude 9.0 earthquake along the Cascadia Subduction Zone and an accompanying west coast tsunami dozens of feet in height.
Of course most Americans aren’t concerned about this threat at all.
Most Americans just assume that life will continue to go on normally just as it always has.
But I happen to agree with the experts that are promising us that an absolutely massive earthquake along the Cascadia Subduction Zone will strike someday, and when that happens life in America will be permanently altered.