Manchester City U21 team have recently walked off the pitch during a game in Croatia after an allegation of racism. Follow the link below to read more
I make no comment about the merits of this case or the wisdom of this course of action but for certain allegations, most notably involving racism and peadophilia, guilt now seems to be assumed until proven otherwise.
The presumption of innocence is a vital part of our legal system and must be preserved in all circumstances.
Don't hold your breath
Slowly but surely, our long established rights are being eroded
Tuesday, 29 July 2014
Tuesday, 22 July 2014
The Evolution of Communism
I think most people are aware of the concept of communism as developed by Karl Marx. The idea was that workers revolutions would overthrow national governments, abolish capitalism and everybody would join together to live happily ever after in a world wide workers paradise. Theory was turned into reality in both Russia and China (and later Cuba) with Lenin then Stalin and Mao Tse Tung (and Castro) in total control with assumed infalibility. Things didn't quite work out according to the plan and the road to utopia was, as always, covered with blood and without an end. The intended workers paradise turned into bloody dictatorships in both Russia and China and we've all read Animal Farm
Maybe we missed the point though. Maybe the abolition of capitalism and a workers paradise was a deliberate illusion and far less important than the overall control aspect
Russia abandoned communism as an idea in the early nineties but China carried on. They fully embraced capitalism and didn't pretend to play lip service to a failed ideology with any workers revolution nonsense. The Chinese communist party retained overall control, the Chinese economy boomed and they widened their sphere of influence by lending money. There was absolutely no prospect of meaningful elections and they showed little interest in the welfare of their citizens. Chinese leaders were still assumed to be infalible but everybody still remembered Tiananmen Square. I'm sure members of the Russian communist party wish they'd been less hasty
At about the same time, the leaders of European Union were behaving in a similar way. An unelected elite based in Brussels and Strasbourg assumed total control and persued capitalist policies with far less success than the Chinese. They massively increased their influence as more and more countries joined and were amalgamated into a homogeneous mass. A perceived terrorist threat, health and safety and human rights obsessions were used as excuses to erode long held freedoms. Some elections took place but the wishes and welfare of the electorate were totally ignored as the eurocommunists increasingly abolished national borders with a Europe wide Federation being the ultimate aim.
Meanwhile, the USA continue to expand the North American Free Trade Agreement throughout the American continent leading to an eventual American Union along the same lines as the European version.
The Russians, with President Putin in total control, embraced capitalism and looked to extend their influence too
Will these power blocks eventually cooperate to form a world government or will they compete to gain the upper hand? Is there a hidden agenda?
Maybe we missed the point though. Maybe the abolition of capitalism and a workers paradise was a deliberate illusion and far less important than the overall control aspect
Russia abandoned communism as an idea in the early nineties but China carried on. They fully embraced capitalism and didn't pretend to play lip service to a failed ideology with any workers revolution nonsense. The Chinese communist party retained overall control, the Chinese economy boomed and they widened their sphere of influence by lending money. There was absolutely no prospect of meaningful elections and they showed little interest in the welfare of their citizens. Chinese leaders were still assumed to be infalible but everybody still remembered Tiananmen Square. I'm sure members of the Russian communist party wish they'd been less hasty
At about the same time, the leaders of European Union were behaving in a similar way. An unelected elite based in Brussels and Strasbourg assumed total control and persued capitalist policies with far less success than the Chinese. They massively increased their influence as more and more countries joined and were amalgamated into a homogeneous mass. A perceived terrorist threat, health and safety and human rights obsessions were used as excuses to erode long held freedoms. Some elections took place but the wishes and welfare of the electorate were totally ignored as the eurocommunists increasingly abolished national borders with a Europe wide Federation being the ultimate aim.
Meanwhile, the USA continue to expand the North American Free Trade Agreement throughout the American continent leading to an eventual American Union along the same lines as the European version.
The Russians, with President Putin in total control, embraced capitalism and looked to extend their influence too
Will these power blocks eventually cooperate to form a world government or will they compete to gain the upper hand? Is there a hidden agenda?
Animal Farm,
George Orwell,
New World Order,
world government
Thursday, 17 July 2014
Future Uses of RFID Technology
Radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology uses radio waves to transfer data between devices and is often used for tracking.
The technology uses an electronic chip which often takes the form of a label or tag and is attached to a product. The chip contains identifying information which can be accessed using a reader and this has many uses:-
- to track clothing items in a supermarket and prevent theft
- to track the progress of an automobile on an assembley line
- to locate pharmaceuticals in a warehouse
- to identify pets or livestock (the chip is implanted under the skin)
RFID technology has many other applications including access control. The chips containing identifying data are contained within identification badges which authenticate the holder on entry. A similar system can be used for vehicles
It is used on the London Public Transport system where the chip is inserted into a card which identifies the user at each location and calculates the appropriate fare. The same cards can be preloaded with credit and used to make electronic payments. The need for cash has been eliminated and the cards will soon be compulsory
A similar recent development has enabled adapted mobile phone to be linked to bank accounts and used in to make electronic payments.
The first E-passports using RFID technology were issued by Malaysia in 1998 and other countries soon followed including most EU countries around 2006. An E-passport contains a chip storing a digital photograph, personal information and travel history
Animal identification is an important uses of RFID technology and most pets have a chip implanted for easy identication . Implantable RFID chips are now starting to be used on humans e.g. VIP customers at certain nightclubs can be identified and the chips used to pay for drinks. Some hospitals in the USA have begun implanting patients with RFID chips for routine tracking and to increase efficiency
Possibly this trend will increase in the future. Implanted RFID chips on humans could be used for identification purposes and to improve heathcare efficiency nationwide. It could also be used to make electronic payments and reduce the need for cash
Maybe it will begin on a voluntary basis for those with private heath insurance and participation will be linked to benefits such as lower premiums and preferential access to services. It may lead to other benefits such as those with implanted chips getting quicker security screenings at airports.
Where will it end? Consider some possible scenarios with no timescale included although some of these events have started to happen
Where will it end? Consider some possible scenarios with no timescale included although some of these events have started to happen
In the future, a possible major emergency caused by a terrorist attack might lead to the introduction of martial law with local chipping stations immediately deployed. They would be available as a precasution to ensure that you and your family could receive emergency rations and other vital services if required. Stockpiled RFID chips would be available for immediate use
Prisoners would be chipped first. There is no better way of tracking criminals or people on parole? Maybe, everybody receiving benefits or government healthcare would need to be chipped to prevent fraud.
A massive propaganda campaign on TV and in the media would be needed to convince the population that any fears they have about privacy or intrusion are unfounded.
Full implementation would soon be on the cards and could be linked to safeguarding and the protection of children because this is always an easy target. Any parent who refused to chip their child could not send them to school and would thus be an irresponsible parent. An appointment with the child protection services would be made
Chip scanning devices could be installed in major public venues. Anybody who had not been chipped would not be granted access on health and safety grounds. They would not be able to use public transport because it would be too dangerous for themselves and everybody else. All responsible citizens would need to have a chip implanted for their own safety due to the hightened terrorist threat
In reality, an implanted RFID chip could be used to track every move you make both physical and economic. It has massive potential for mischief making in a George Orwell inspired world. Without one you would be unable to function in society. Potentially, you would be unable to travel, to work, make payments, receive healthcare or any other goverment service. You would be unable to function in society and any dissident could be excluded from the economy because cash will no longer exist. Globalisation has forced governments to act collectively and made borders irrelevant. There will be no hiding place
This was predicted in the Book of Revelations written in 96 AD
"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand or in their forehead. And that no man might buy or sell, save that he had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of the beast"
The prophesy predicts that people will be forced to receive a mark on their right hand or forehead. Is this an implanted RFID chip?
Monday, 14 July 2014
A Cashless Society and the Mark of the Beast
It was recently announced that cash will no longer be accepted on the London Bus system and the use of plastic cards, which can be preloaded with credit, will be insisted upon. This follows on from a similar announcement in Kenya where public transport will also go cashless and switch to an electronic system of payment.
The move towards cashless transactions is very much an increasing trend and governments throughout the world are pushing the idea of a “cashless society” i.e. a world where all payments are made electronically. Obviously, proper records will have to be kept and these will have to be readily available to all those concerned. Important and powerful, global organizations including the UN are involved but developments along these lines could have massive implications for individual freedom and privacy.
Supporters point to an obvious reduction in overheads by removing the need to produce/secure physical cash along with possible reduction in tax evasion, armed robbery and black market fraud. Critics are wary of governments operating in a George Orwell inspired world and being able to monitor every item of economic activity. The NSA snooping story adds weight to these claims
The debate continues but some governments e.g. UK and Kenya are already working hard to reduce the reliance on cash. The end objective, which may be years down the line, can only be an eventual end to all cash transactions and a world economy based digital commerce.
It has been portrayed as a natural progression and an example was a CNN feature on 2/7/14 called “The Evolution of a Cashless Society,” which described the progress made by various countries. The eventual introduction of a cashless society was presented as inevitable and apparently the United States is at a “tipping point” while Canada, Belgium, France, Sweden, and others are “almost cashless.” Other countries are either at the “inception” or “transitioning.”
It has been portrayed as a natural progression and an example was a CNN feature on 2/7/14 called “The Evolution of a Cashless Society,” which described the progress made by various countries. The eventual introduction of a cashless society was presented as inevitable and apparently the United States is at a “tipping point” while Canada, Belgium, France, Sweden, and others are “almost cashless.” Other countries are either at the “inception” or “transitioning.”
In reality, the “trends” are not happening naturally and big business is playing a major role. Governments are driving the cashless society developments with taxpayers money and well funded foundations are joining in to build support. For example, in September 2012 the Ford Foundation, launched the "Better Than Cash Alliance" which describes itself as a partnership "to empower people by shifting from cash to electronic payments." The partners include big business representatives like Visa and Citibank as well as the UN
Maybe the move towards a cashless society is a natural progresssion or part of evolution but the arguments against are not being heard. If the trend continues, it seems that all transactions will eventually take place electronically and the need for cash will be eliminated but will the technology always work? Will we need a card for the bus, a card for the train and one for each store or will a universal payment system be developed? What if the card is mislaid?
Various systems are in development and a system using a mobile phone to make payments has been used successfully. Again a mobile phone can be mislaid and what happens then?Mobile phones are routinely used as tracking devices and an increase in their use can only make this more widespread
Some organisations have advocated the use of a human micro-chip with the eventual goal of each person having a device inserted under the skin and able to use it to provide identification and to make electronic payments.
Maybe this is the path we'll follow but there is massive potential for making mischief. Do we really want to give the government the ability to track every physical and economic move we make? In a cashless society, a political opponent could be removed from the economy and he/she wouldn't be able to buy food. A power cut would cause absolute chaos
It might be the fulfilment of prophesy. Revelations 13:17 reads
“And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name,”
Maybe the move towards a cashless society is a natural progresssion or part of evolution but the arguments against are not being heard. If the trend continues, it seems that all transactions will eventually take place electronically and the need for cash will be eliminated but will the technology always work? Will we need a card for the bus, a card for the train and one for each store or will a universal payment system be developed? What if the card is mislaid?
Various systems are in development and a system using a mobile phone to make payments has been used successfully. Again a mobile phone can be mislaid and what happens then?Mobile phones are routinely used as tracking devices and an increase in their use can only make this more widespread
Some organisations have advocated the use of a human micro-chip with the eventual goal of each person having a device inserted under the skin and able to use it to provide identification and to make electronic payments.
Maybe this is the path we'll follow but there is massive potential for making mischief. Do we really want to give the government the ability to track every physical and economic move we make? In a cashless society, a political opponent could be removed from the economy and he/she wouldn't be able to buy food. A power cut would cause absolute chaos
It might be the fulfilment of prophesy. Revelations 13:17 reads
“And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name,”
Saturday, 5 July 2014
The Bilderberg Group
The Bilderberg Group is a private conference, held annually and attended by approximately 140 important people including politicians, academics and representatives from industry, finance and the media. Most participants come from Europe but there are representatives from North America and the name derives from the first meeting, held at the Hotel de Bilderberg in the Netherlands on 29th May 1954. The initial conference lasted for three days and was intended to bring the continents of Europe and America closer together. Since then, private Bilderberg Group meetings have occurred every year on a strictly invitation only basis and participants insist that the group is a harmless debating society or merely a forum for leaders to “listen, reflect and gather insights” free from official responsibility.
Recent attendees include UK Conservative politicians George Osborne and Ken Clarke and UK Labour politicians Ed Balls and Peter Mandelson. They were joined by President of the European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso, Head of the IMF Christine Lagarde, former French Prime Minister Francois Fillon and two former US Treasury Secretaries Robert Rubin and Timothy Geithner. Numerous other serving Prime Ministers, Foreign Ministers and Finance Ministers from influential European countries were in attendance and they were joined by Chairmen and CEOs from some of the world’s biggest businesses including Deutsche Bank, Barclays, Amazon, Google, Shell, HSBC, Lazard, Prudential and Alcoa. Billionaire founder of PayPal, Peter Thiel was also a recent attendee and current Bildeberg Chairman, Henri de Castries is also the head of insurance giant AXA. Both BP and Goldman Sachs have played a part in fund raising and organisation for recent events.
Current UK Prime Minister David Cameron, who had previously pledged to lead Britain’s most transparent government, attended a Bilderberg Group meeting in Watford during June 2013. He described it as "nothing at all to worry about" but former politicians who have previously attended Bilderberg Group meetings have described them as the most important events they ever attended. They particularly enjoyed the freedom to speak off the record and the opportunity to take part in decisive discussions about the future of Europe.
Recent attendees include UK Conservative politicians George Osborne and Ken Clarke and UK Labour politicians Ed Balls and Peter Mandelson. They were joined by President of the European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso, Head of the IMF Christine Lagarde, former French Prime Minister Francois Fillon and two former US Treasury Secretaries Robert Rubin and Timothy Geithner. Numerous other serving Prime Ministers, Foreign Ministers and Finance Ministers from influential European countries were in attendance and they were joined by Chairmen and CEOs from some of the world’s biggest businesses including Deutsche Bank, Barclays, Amazon, Google, Shell, HSBC, Lazard, Prudential and Alcoa. Billionaire founder of PayPal, Peter Thiel was also a recent attendee and current Bildeberg Chairman, Henri de Castries is also the head of insurance giant AXA. Both BP and Goldman Sachs have played a part in fund raising and organisation for recent events.
Current UK Prime Minister David Cameron, who had previously pledged to lead Britain’s most transparent government, attended a Bilderberg Group meeting in Watford during June 2013. He described it as "nothing at all to worry about" but former politicians who have previously attended Bilderberg Group meetings have described them as the most important events they ever attended. They particularly enjoyed the freedom to speak off the record and the opportunity to take part in decisive discussions about the future of Europe.
Is this realy true? Is the Bildeberg Group really a harmless debating society? Is it connected to the infamous Illuminati which was another similar organisation? Like the Bilderberg Group, the Illuminati involved a world wide network of powerful men in influential positions and rumours frequently circulated about their abiility to control world events. The Illuminati have a long established plan to install a world wide government or New World Order. Are the Bilderberg Group involved in this?
Another Bilderberg Group meeting took place during May 2009 in Vouliagmeni, Greece. Alice Rivlin represented the Brookings Institution and she smiled and nodded when asked if the agenda items included “world government, a world without borders and an American Union.”
This coincides with the Bilderberg/Illuminati plan but they have been repeatedly blocked by the reluctance of certain countries (notably the UK) to abandon nationalism and their past. The USA continues with its plans to expand the North American Free Trade Agreement throughout the American continent and beyond before it eventually establishes an American Union similar to the European Union. Is this part of the hidden agenda? Will the American Union and European Union eventually merge?
Meanwhile, the Italian Prime Minister, Matteo Renzi has publicly stated that Italy will push for a "United States of Europe" during its six-month EU presidency. Is he a Bilderberg/Illuminati puppet? Has this been the plan all the time? Is this part of the plan to establish a New World Order? The Italians (and other countries) have massive debts and would be very easy to manipulate
Maybe the ultimate aim is a world government under the control of the UN.
Meanwhile, the Italian Prime Minister, Matteo Renzi has publicly stated that Italy will push for a "United States of Europe" during its six-month EU presidency. Is he a Bilderberg/Illuminati puppet? Has this been the plan all the time? Is this part of the plan to establish a New World Order? The Italians (and other countries) have massive debts and would be very easy to manipulate
Maybe the ultimate aim is a world government under the control of the UN.
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